Chief of Reindeer Herding District

Every reindeer herding district has a chief. One needs to contact the chief of the reindeer herding district in question if, for example, a dog harms reindeer. The tasks of the chief of reindeer herding district are specified in the Reindeer Husbandry Act: ‘The chairman [chief] of a reindeer herding co-operative must ensure that the practical tasks for which the co-operative is responsible are carried out, implement the decisions made by the board of the co-operative, act as the co-operative’s representative, supervise the work of the co-operative’s officials, see that order is maintained and the provisions of this Act observed in reindeer herding work, and carry out all other duties of the reindeer herding co-operative that are not laid down as responsibilities of the meeting or the board of the reindeer herding co-operative. The vice chairman of the reindeer herding co-operative acts as the chairman’s deputy. If the vice chairman, too, is prevented from attending to their duties, a shareholder of the reindeer herding co-operative elected by the board of the reindeer herding co-operative shall act as the deputy of the chairman. The meeting of the reindeer herding co-operative shall elect the chairman and the vice chairman for three years at a time.’ The contact information for each chief of reindeer herding district can be found at Reindeer Herder’s Association’s website.